See how The ZPS Store can help minimize the disruption to your business

Without a doubt, you are likely aware of the supply chain constraints that we all continue to experience. We realize this situation directly impacts expected shipment timeframes causing major dissatisfaction and disruption for your business.  


  • Severe access limitations to raw materials / components to build products.
  • Covid-19 related labor shortages in manufacturing & logistics.
  • Significant increases in demand for products in a recovering economy.

Current supply chain constraints are fluid and constantly changing day to day and from manufacturer to manufacturer. Most manufacturers are doing their best to project availability, but this can be a moving target depending on many factors.


Long Lead Times - Barcode Equipment & Parts

Barcoding equipment is currently experiencing extended lead times never before seen. Some products can ship immediately, while others have lead times at or above 6 months. (we know… unbelievable). This is due to critical component shortages that aren't just impacting the barcode equipment industry, it’s happening everywhere. Automobiles, appliances, furniture, electronics, etc.

Long Lead Times - Labels & Ribbon

Barcode labels & ribbons too are under severe pressure for mostly similar reasons. Severe shortages in raw materials used to produce your labels & ribbons chased by a huge increase in demand from a recovering economy has created the perfect storm.

Price Increases / Price Instability

The effects of inflation can be seen everywhere right now. The demand for products is far greater than the products available. In addition, the increasing cost of manufacturing, packaging and logistics are also creating upward pressure on prices. At this time, there is no reliable estimate marking the end of this.


The The ZPS Store management team is aware of this impact to your business and is fully committed to developing solutions to minimize the effects of these impacts for our customers. We speak with customers every day about the challenges and struggles they are facing. It is our responsibility to create solutions for customers from the aspects of this situation that we can control.  

The entire barcoding equipment & supplies industry is in the same boat, from the manufacturers all of the way down to the suppliers. There still only remains a finite amount of products with a huge number of buyers chasing after them.   But, The ZPS Store is doing things differently than the rest of the barcode industry. The ZPS Store is working smarter, much harder and far more creatively than ever before, for you!


Our Live Inventory Feed

Our website inventory is directly integrated with all of the major manufacturers and distribution warehouses. When you visit our website, you are seeing the most collective, comprehensive and real-time view of inventory in the country. This inventory status updates multiple times per day.   If we can’t see it or find it for you, nobody can.

Where is it?

Don’t See it In-Stock?
Call or Email Us!

Just because it doesn’t show a true quantity in-stock, doesn’t mean we cannot get it. We’re not making promises here, but we are telling you to reach out to us regardless because we may be able to work some magic for you. We do have certain allocations of inventory that aren't published as available and sometimes we can draw off of this to fill your order immediately.

Bring Old Equipment Back to Life

Do you have old equipment lying around? Turns out you may already have the equipment you need. Let us help you bring it back to working order. Or we may be able to replace it with a like-new refurbished piece.

Forecasting Your Needs / Reserved Inventory

The ZPS Store regularly works with customers to forecast equipment and supplies needs so we can build the inventory for you ahead of time. Don’t place your order when you need something, work with us and plan ahead. Contact our The ZPS Store to begin preparing critical inventory so when the need arises. Then you can rest assured that the products are there when you need them.

Printheads / Platen Rollers / Parts Inventory

We stock all Zebra printheads, platen rollers and belts IN-HOUSE at our centralized headquarters. We also carry popular printheads and platen rollers from other manufacturers like Honeywell, Datamax, & Sato. Nearly all of our competitors rely on drop-shipping to get product to you which adds delays and longer turnarounds. In most cases, we ship orders the same day getting you the parts you need quickly.

Make & Holds / Barcode Labels & Ribbon Management

We can manage label & ribbon inventory for you so it’s always in-stock. Based on your label & ribbon usage, we will always keep a set amount of inventory on hand so it’s ready to ship when you need it. Even better, we can set specific release dates for your orders so they hit your dock when you need them. Don’t wait until you grab the last roll to order, contact The ZPS Store team to discuss our supplies management strategies to always keep barcode labels and ribbons at your fingertips.

Pricing Locks / Pricing Predictability

If you’re looking for price stability, contact The ZPS Store immediately. Whether it’s barcoding equipment, parts or supplies (label & ribbon), we can help you find stability and predictability in a market that will continue to see price increases across the board. Protect your company, contact The ZPS Store.

We’re here when you need us!

By choosing to rely on The ZPS Store, you gain access to the hardest working, friendliest and most knowledgeable team in the barcode equipment & supplies industry. Our support team is here whenever you need us via phone, email, webform or chat! We are ready to hustle for you! Let us find solutions where our competitors will tell you “it’s out of stock.” Our responsiveness is second to none and we’re ready to get to work for you.

Warehouse Locations

With over 20 warehouses spread across the United States, our network of inventory is usually just a short shipping distance away. Unlike most of our competitors that only rely on one or two warehouses, we’ve built redundancy to help minimize backorders and out of stock instances.

Take action now and get your company back on the track!
